New Year's Message

 The Psalmist said "Praise Him for his unequaled greatness. Praise Him for His mighty works. Praise Him for his majestic power." You may be limited but He's unlimited. We are natural, but He's supernatural. When you don't see any way out, you'll be tempted to complain. No, turn it around and praise Him for who He is. "Lord I praise You for You're bigger than my sickness. I praise You that You're stronger than my addiction.  I praise You that You're greater than this trouble. I praise You that You're more powerful than this people. " You could be sending out doubts, defeat, complaints; instead you're sending up sweet smelling aroma of God's goodness.  For those aromas set miracles into motion. That's when God will show up and do what you cannot do.

Be inspired by this message from Akrofi Emmanuel. 

 "An atmosphere of praise"

Follow the link above to listen to our podcast. 


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