
Showing posts from January, 2023

You Would Never Remain Like This Forever

 Sometimes the reason we’re frustrated is we’re trying to change things that only God can change. You can’t make people do what’s right. You can pray for them, you can encourage them, but they have their own free will. Don’t let them steal your joy. You are not responsible for other people’s happiness. You cannot keep everyone in your life happy. You’re responsible for your own happiness. Listen to our podcast here Some scars last a lifetime, but I can promise you, it doesn’t have to keep you from your destiny. You have to be at peace with your scars. There are a lot of things in life we don’t understand: why bad things happen to good people, why we came down with an illness, why somebody betrayed us, why we walk with a limp. Don’t get bitter. It’s not going to stop you. Your scars are not there to hold you back; they are reminders of the grace of God, of what He’s brought you through.

Be strong in Christ Jesus

  Today, if there's anything weighing you down, purposefully disconnect from the demands on your time and spend time with your Father. When you enter into praise, you can enter into God's supernatural grace and mercy. The Bible says that when our spirit connects with God's Spirit, something incredible happens. We are ignited with the power of Almighty God. The strongest part of you is not your physical body or your emotions. The strongest part of you is your spirit. And when you connect the strongest part of you with the strongest force in the universe, there's a powerful transformation that takes place. Listen to our podcast here

My Year Of God's Favor

 The scripture says " God inhabits the praise Of His people." He doesn't inhabits complaints. He doesn't inhabits worry, frustration. "Why is He taking so long? These children are getting on my nerves." That doesn't gets God attention. But when he hears you talking about His greatness, praising Him when you could be complaining, declaring His  promises when you're up against giants," thanking Him that He's working when nothing is changing. That's when God says, let me step in. Let Me  fight  that battle. Let me make a way. Let me bring promotion, healing and favor.  David said "magnify the Lord with me." Don't magnify your problem, magnify your God, thank Him for who He is. "Lord I thank you that You're the all-powerful creator of the universe.  That you're the GREAT I AM. You're my provider, my healer, my protector, my deliverer, my way maker. That's what causes God to show up.  Not begging Him. "

New Year's Message

 The Psalmist said "Praise Him for his unequaled greatness. Praise Him for His mighty works. Praise Him for his majestic power." You may be limited but He's unlimited. We are natural, but He's supernatural. When you don't see any way out, you'll be tempted to complain. No, turn it around and praise Him for who He is. "Lord I praise You for You're bigger than my sickness. I praise You that You're stronger than my addiction.  I praise You that You're greater than this trouble. I praise You that You're more powerful than this people. " You could be sending out doubts, defeat, complaints; instead you're sending up sweet smelling aroma of God's goodness.  For those aromas set miracles into motion. That's when God will show up and do what you cannot do. Be inspired by this message from Akrofi Emmanuel.   "An atmosphere of praise" Follow the link above to listen to our podcast.